Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Banner

I'm trying out a new banner... I'm not sure if I like it or not. I don't have graphic software on my computer so I have to just do what I can with my photo editor. I am thinking of paying someone to create a new banner for me. I just can't decide...

Beautiful day here in the Mile High City. Perfect weather.

Hubby and I took Beau for a walk earlier today. Other than that it has been a lazy Sunday. Just the kind I like.


Betty said...

Lazy Sundays are so much fun! Glad you had a chance to enjoy yours. Take care.

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I happen to love your new banner - it's very welcoming and I feel I can ring the bell and you'd just invite me in!

If you ever do want to change it - there is a site that provides free artwork (I have the link at home - email me and I'll send it over) but they are lovely and free - the bestest price of all!

Girl Raised in the South said...

September is such a nice time in Denver - right now, being between hurricanes it sounds like it's pretty nice everywhere for awhile!BTW, I like your banner - very pretty.

Betty said...

Hey, I like your new fall banner with the great picture and background. Too much fun! Take care.