Friday, July 18, 2008

Off to the Frontier!

I have lived in the Mile High City area for 10 years now but hubby and I haven't ever been to the Cheyenne Frontier Days events so this weekend we will giving it a whirl...

Yee Haw!

I will let you know how it went...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Dog Beau

Today I am going to introduce you to my dog Beau. I have been inspired by A Cottage in the Making About a week ago Joanne wrote about her “Two Boys” Elton (as in Elton John) and Zeke. Her inspiration came from Nancy, over at My Crafty Little Page.

You see Nancy was hosting DOG DAYS OF SUMMER in which she was asking everyone to post about their dogs and cats and she just knew she had to join in.

Well I too have to join in… even though it’s taken me awhile!

This is Beau when he was 2 month’s old. He was such a cute little puppy. He was the center of attention that is for sure and he still is the center of attention… If he isn’t he will find a way to get your attention. He does love to get things out of the bathroom trash… which isn’t very pleasant. His nightly game is to sneak into the bathroom, grab a used Kleenex and run!

He loves to go on hikes with hubby.

He loves his yard and loves to go on “patrol”. He patrols the yard many times during the day and since we have a doggy door he has been known to take a patrol during the night as well.

Beau is more than a companion. Since hubby travels a lot and the kids are all out of the house I really don’t know what I would do without him. He makes me feel safe and definitely keeps me company.

Smiling for the camera!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nana's Babygirl SMILES!

Jenna has been smiling for a while now but I finally have pictures to prove it! I finally received a disk of 50 pictures of my little Jenna today. I have been wanting to post updated pictures of her but my son has been BUSY and couldn’t seem to get around to sending me a disk.

Hummm… Imagine that… he has been busy. I wonder why he has been so busy? It’s not like he has a lot of responsibility now or anything.

I also received this article from him in an email today. I thought it was interesting.

By JoNel Aleccia
Health writer

Baby's first smiles give mom's brain a buzz
Tiny grins light up reward centers that lead to quality care, study says

Any mother who's ever felt a jolt of joy at her baby’s first grin knows how intoxicating that can be.

Now, scientists at the Baylor College of Medicine say there’s more to the baby buzz than just a rush of happy feelings. Turns out that seeing your own child smile actually activates the pleasure receptors in the brain typically associated with food, sex — and drug addiction.

“It may be that seeing your own baby’s face is like a ‘natural high,’ said Lane Strathearn, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor and and Texas Children's Hospital who studied the brain reactions of 28 first-time moms.”

“We know similar brain circuits are activated,” he added. “Whether that feels the same as a shot of cocaine, I’m not sure.”

Well I don’t know if it feels like a “shot of cocaine” either but I can tell you… I know from experience that my baby’s smile did make me feel “intoxicating joy”!

I can’t wait to experience seeing my Jenna smile at me while I am there for my next visit!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend! My daughter and her boyfriend are here for the weekend as well as my youngest son :-) We will watch the fireworks display from our deck/balcony tonight. Tomorrow we will all go to a movie.

More pictures of today to follow!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Have you seen this program?

I don’t watch much tv at all but I do TiVo a few shows to watch at my convenience like 48 Hours, Dateline and etc.(I like Crime Dramas). I also like some HGTV shows, but my NEW favorite thing to TiVo is … The Shopping Bags. On the Fine Living Network.

The Shopping Bags is a fun and entertaining show that tells you what you need to know before you buy anything. And I do mean ANYTHING! You can get tips and advice from these two cute and clever women who have investigated consumer products and trends for quite awhile now. They both hatched "The Shopping Bags" concept way back in 1999 so I’m not sure if this is a new show on Fine Living or I am just VERY SLOW in finding this show. Like I said… I don’t watch much tv.

It’s really amazing… Hubby and I have Satellite and so we have probably over 200 channels and there are probably a lot of shows that I would like but I have no idea they even exist. I guess that is probably a good thing… I don’t want to be a couch potato!
My sister and niece are in town this week on a softball tournament. I haven’t even got to see them yet because they are staying in a hotel about 30 minutes from me. I think I'll try to meet up with them this evening after work and go to dinner with them. I am also going to try and go to one of the games maybe tomorrow evening. I haven’t seen my niece play in a very long time… like probably when she was in little league. She is now 18 and will be headed off to college in the fall. I will post a pic of us later in the week.