Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What kind of house are you?

Today during my lunch break I did one of those Blogthing tests. This is a fairly accurate assessment of me ... except for the "staying in shape" thing.

What the House Test Says About You
You consider yourself important, but no more important than anyone else. You love attention, but you don't feel like you deserve more of it than anyone else.

You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you.

You are creative, expressive, and bright. You are always in the middle of some amazing project.

You take good care of your physical appearance. You dress well, stay in shape, and do your best to look great.

You are moved by your own inner sense of peace. You spend a lot of time reflecting on the meaning of life.

1 comment:

Chosen1forlife said...

That is a tad too much like a fortune cookie or an astrology reading, don't ya think? (Meaning, it could apply to most everyone).

Jenna Joy says "Hi Nana! I now laugh, smile, roll over, and grad things with my hands (and put them in my mouth)! Come see me soon!"