Monday, June 16, 2008

My good news for Monday

I finally received a phone call letting me know that I will be able to get my car repaired without having to use my own deductible!

Let me explain … Last Memorial Day, hubby and I had just arrived in Denver from our L O N G trip home from Oklahoma. This trip took a couple of hours longer than normal because hubby wanted to take a different route home this time. UGH! Two whole hours longer! We were both tired and hungry so we decided to call ahead to one of our favorite restaurants and place a carry out order. Long story short… after leaving the restaurant I stopped in a merge lane to wait for traffic to give me a break so that I could merge onto the busy street. While I was just about to step on the gas to MERGE…someone rear ended me.

Since it was raining and 40 degrees out my hubby gets out to get insurance information and access the damages. The young gentleman that hit me did present his insurance card and his driver’s license and Hubby writes down all the necessary info and then we head home.

It turns out that this guy was a little bit hard to find. Last Friday I was just sure that the guy would not be found and I would have to pay my deductible to get my car repaired.

Now I’m doing a happy dance…

I mean… I have to admit… I was really starting to get a little nervous. I am so glad the guy finally came forward and admitted his guilt.

You see…. Hubby and I didn’t call the police. We didn’t know that it IS the law. I don’t know why we didn’t .. except that we were so tired and hungry and didn’t want to deal with it. The guy could have just denied it and it would be his word against mine and his insurance wouldn’t have paid.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Chosen1forlife said...

well I never heard this story! I'm glad you are okay.

You could have asked the police to take a look at the front of his vehicle if he had denied it. Paint scraping and dents matching the back of your car would have surely shown up on his vehicle!