Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My week so far

Monday… take a “sick” day

Tuesday… repeat…

I woke up yesterday morning just really out of it. Yes, it was MONDAY morning, my most un-favorite day and time of the week, but I really didn’t feel well. I decided to take the day off and rest. I am feeling a little better today but I was still feeling a little out it so I took today off as well. Even though I wasn’t feeling well I was really hoping that I could get some things done around the house. It’s so weird… when you are at home during the day, the day goes by really fast and when you are at work it seems like it goes by very slow. Go figure.

The wind blew ALL day long here in the suburbs of Denver! The wind didn’t help my depressed mood any either. I felt like the wind was just stirring up more pollen in the air. YUCK!

You could say that I am just having a bad week so far.

Beau doesn’t seem to mind the wind.

What a dog’s life!

I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t updated my blog in quite awhile … it’s not like I haven’t been on the computer. I have been reading other blogs and trying to keep up with my “Blogs that I read when I should be working” and revamping my blog! Yea! Did you notice??

I have a custom signature and everything.


Girl Raised in the South said...

I lived in Denver and when the wind blows, it really blows! Sorry to hear you've been under the weather and hoping you'll feel better as the week continues to unwind.

Chosen1forlife said...

We in Oklahoma can relate. For the past month, the wind here has been out of control. Many days it is averaging 40+mph. PLUS, we've had strong storms every week for nearly 2 months now! There has been flooding at times. We are VERY ahead on our yearly rainfall.

Hope you are feeling better now, mom!