Saturday, May 31, 2008

My trip home

My trip to back home was great!

Jenna is now 11 weeks old.

I will go back for another trip in July and I can't wait.

This is Jenna and I.

I sure miss holding her.

Jenna is never far away from me in my thoughts. When we part I hold her in my memory.

Yes, there is sadness in the word good-bye but I am happy because I know that I will soon return.

When I picture her face. I smile.

This my mom's rose bush.
She got a "start" from my grandmother's rose bush about a year ago. My grandmother passed away in 1978 but my mom went to see her old house and asked the people who were living there if we could take a "start" from the rose bush and they of course let us.

The rose bush is absolutely gorgeous!

Don't ya think?


Lori Eads said...

She is so adorable!! I think she looks alot like John.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Hi Deb,

Isn't she just the sweetest thing you have ever seen! What a doll she is.

I love the roses too. How lovely to have a plant that came from your grandmother.

I never knew you could take a cliping and have a rose bush start. Any tips on how to do that?

Hey, be sure to come on back to my blog this week as I'm doing a give away and if you are interested in it you can sign up.

Chosen1forlife said...

I think your new & improved blog is great! I think it is a lot more "nana like". All the black was very elegant yet serious and somber.

Those are some great pics. Grandma's roses look better than ours!

You should post a pic of Jenna beside a pic of me as a baby around the same age as her and see if we really do look alike or not.

Keep up the good postings!


Connie said...

Deb, I couldn't find your email so decided to answer by way of a comment. Yes, you can absolutely add me to your blog and I'm adding yours. Only way to get people to read us!! Thank you.