Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh look... It’s September!

I've been scarce for the past month and so once again I say sorry... I’ve been a little busy lately. I have been reading some other blogs but just couldn’t find the time to even leave a comment.

The short list of reasons includes:


Nothing big... just life.

So it is now September.

While the calendar tells me that it is still summer, the feeling of the atmosphere outside has turned.

The sun is lower in the sky and the air is crisper.

This past weekend was Labor Day weekend and I believe it is a completely appropriate name because hubby and I spent much of the weekend laboring. Hubby worked on our balcony/deck (a big project that he has been working on for quite a while now) and I worked on cleaning and organizing the house.

While sweeping the floors and scrubbing toilets I got a little misty. The urine streaks were enough to draw tears, but that was not the entire picture. I pondered as to what it was that made me so emotional.

Part of it is that I do not do well with change. Change is good, yes, but it always causes issues for me. Whether the change is good or bad I consistently have a hard time with it all. I get a little angry, a little weepy, a little out of sorts.

Why the drama over the changing of the seasons? They are completely and utterly out of my control. Nothing I say or do will cause it to stop, to stay, to reverse itself.

Summer, in all of her glory, is fading. Fast.

Back in May I posted about how excited I was for summer to begin and how summer is my favorite season. I just don’t want it to end yet. I have unfinished projects to do still yet. Like paint my upstairs. I planned to do this back in May…WHERE does time go???

Come on summer…hold on a little bit longer.

Oh well… I will get to see my Jenna at the end of this month. Woo Hoo!!

Hmmm...I do enjoy cool nights, the fireplace and pumpkin pie… pumpkin pie especially.

Okay...Bring on FALL! I'm ready!


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

So good to hear you're back - I almost tried to look you up - we were in Morrison over the week-end! I know how you feel about the seasons - fall is my favorite - but maybe it's the fact that we are getting ,um, more mature (older) and we see the years go by - and I want to slow them down just a least the week-end parts -the work week can go as quickly as it wants! Grab ahold of some Indian Summer!!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Glad you are back.

Ooh, pumpkin pie, now I won't be happy until I have some. Why oh why did you have to say pumpking pie? LOL
