Friday, September 26, 2008

My BIG News!

Have you ever asked yourself the questions "How on earth did I get here?" and "Will I ever go back home?." Going home is not always that easy or simple. Sometimes it takes many years.

After nearly eleven years of living in this beautiful mountain state, I'm going home -- back to my home state, back to Oklahoma.

Hubby and I moved to away from our home state in July of 1987 to the great state of Texas because he was transferred. At first I was very sad to leave family and move to the “big city” but I very quickly adjusted and grew to love Houston. That may sound a little strange to some people but I really did love living in that big state. My kids basically grew up there and we had a lot of friends, nice church and many things to do. I loved the mild winters, TexMex, seafood, Bluebell ice cream (yes I love food!) and well you name it… Texas has everything. Well that all changed one day when hubby came home and announced that the mountains and dryer climate was calling him. I admit that mountains and a nice climate IS the only thing that Texas doesn’t have.

Eleven years ago my two youngest kids were still in high school and even though we took a family vote and it was 3-1 to stay in Texas … Hubby said we would move anyway. My oldest son didn’t get to vote because he was already moved back to Oklahoma and going to school.

I didn't want to move to this beautiful state and really it has never felt like “home”. Never the less, another chapter in our lives began.
As the years ticked by, I would often complain to people that hubby dragged me here kicking and screaming and they would look at me like I was CRAZY! “How can you not LOVE this beautiful state?” they would say.

Over the past year, it became increasingly harder for me to be content here. My oldest son and his wife were expecting my first grandchild. YEA!

(My little Jenna Joy! The reason for this blog really.)

I was traveling back much more, and I was finding I missed home even more. Besides my little bundle of Joy… I felt like I needed to be closer to my mom. She is getting up there in age and I want to help my sisters take care of her and spend as much time with her as possible.

Well bless hubby’s heart…He knows how I want to be closer to family. He has been looking for another job for a couple of months now and after an interview on September 19, 2008… I can now tell everyone… Hubby has a new job in Oklahoma! Prayer does work. I can hardly believe the change that's about to come!

Now for the sad part. No… the sad part is not leaving this beautiful state because it’s beautiful with its purple mountain majesties.

The really sad part is I will be leaving my darling daughter behind. Through the years the kids have adjusted quite nicely. A lot better than me. She is 26 years old now and it is her choice. She does have a boyfriend here and so I will have to convince the both of them to move. My youngest son is prepared to make the move with us. YEA!

I guess I will have to change the name of my blog now. Stay tuned… I have a new name that I will reveal soon.


Betty said...

I am so happy for you...getting to 'go home'...the winters should definitely be milder, eh? And you'll be near your darling granddaughter...what fun! Take care.

djrachal said...

sigh, mixed feelings of course. That picture of Jenna sure is precious though!!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Congratulations to both of you! You will always have us to talk to so that's the good thing about moving away from these freinds - YOU CAN'T! hahahaha - best of luck on your move and we'll want to hear every detail and!

Chosen1forlife said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO---OK-LA-HO-MA, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains!

We sure are excited here in Okla. and can't wait for you all to get here! Better hurry, Jenna will probably be walking and talking and dating soon! (Well, if that last one happens...she'll be locked in her room until she's 23!

Girl Raised in the South said...

Happy to hear of your new plans. Oklahoma is a happy medium, right between TExas and Colorado. Like you, I'm about to leave behind a daughter and it's going to be hard, but you'll be pretty close so hopefully there will be lots of visits between the two of you.